Disaster Support

Information for bereaved people and survivors
‘When Disaster Strikes’ is our series of leaflets offering information and guidance for those directly affected by disaster as bereaved people and survivors. All of the leaflets have been written by people with first-hand experience. The leaflets cover a broad range of topics and are free to print and share.
Signposting and support
We can also provide information about further about resources and organisations offering specialist help and support to those affected by disaster.
When Disaster Strikes’ Leaflets
Brief reflections on what it feels like to be bereaved and/or a survivor; to help those who may be going through simialr
What happens and where families/friends can access help after a disaster
Personal reflections by and for those who have experienced DVI and a summary of key support principles
Details of where and how survivors may find practical and emotional support
A checklist for those confronting the immediate aftermath of an overseas disaster and longer term practical guidance
Guidance on immediate and longer term support for those physically injured in a disaster
Why, how and the practicalities of support groups, by those who have been there
Brief explanation of legal processes and how to engage with them if you have been affected by a disaster
Summary information about inquest procedures after disaster prepared by and for those who have experienced them first hand
What happens to personal effects after a disaster and practical information about how and when it may be returned
Considerations for addressing the impacts of disasters on children and young people and details of resources and organisations that can help them
Details of longer term impacts of disaster and where to find help and support