Guidance for Responders

We have developed leaflets and other publications for professionals. Contact us for details of these publications and our services for professionals. Themes include:- 

Summary of key principles and practical tips to guide those supporting people after disaster

Personal reflections by and for those who have experienced DVI and a summary of key support principles for those helping them

Highlighting relatives’ experiences of DVI procedures with practical implications and suggestions for FLOs and Coroners’ Officers

Specialist DVI guidance aimed at those working professionally in the aftermath of mass fatality incidents

Why coming together with others can help those directly affected by disasters and what those in authority can do to help facilitate mutual support opportunities

Considerations for addressing the impacts of disasters on children and young people and details of resources and organisations that can help them

Research paper by a Disaster Action member highlighting the role of post-disaster peer support groups in addressing collective grief and trauma

Explaining why longer term support helps people after disaster and what tpe of support is most useful

A code of practice to guide those delivering disaster training in being trauma-informed, ethical and respectful

Reminders of key principles for those working in the context of disaster and guidance on hwo to protect the rights and interests of those directy affected

Summary guidance with links to Disaster Action’s full report on Lessons and Guidance on the Management and Distribution of Disaster Funds

Our submission to the judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices, and ethics of the British press based on our experiences of dealing with the media after disaster